I don't think I ever enjoyed a movie or TV series more than Hunter X Hunter, and with over 150 episodes, that's a LOT of great TV. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried at least once because there were such bittersweet moments created. However, I stuck it out and halfway through the arc I really started to enjoy it and the plot kept taking interesting twists. The only downside was that by the fifth (?) story arc involving mutant ant people, I felt it had gotten a bit formulaic and I was not buying into how the world was responding to this threat, and felt the series might have jumped the shark, so to speak. How the main characters got more powerful as the series progressed, to be able to best stronger and stronger foes (usually) was well thought out, too, and not overly simplistic. Below is a list of all the official Hunter × Hunter video games and the video games in which the series makes an appearance in. But first he must pass the notoriously difficult and dangerous Hunter Qualification Exam.
With some bad guys being sort of serial murderer/pedophiles, it's not for kids, but well done.even those pervy bad guys sometimes redeem themselves, at least for a short time. Hunter x Hunter: The Complete Series Box Set (Amazon Only) Gon is a young boy who dreams of following in his father’s footsteps to become a Hunter. Anyway, after finishing that anime, I tried several more, and while some were good and still better than traditional American shows, none had the intelligent plotting of Sword Art Online - till I found Hunter X Hunter, which just totally kicked it up a notch in both fantasy elements, interesting characters, intelligent plot twists you won't see coming, and the like. I mean, Lost took a lot of twists, but they were sort of random/contrived, and my final analysis was the writers were just making it up as they went along to avoid answering any hard questions, very stupid and contrived. Whereas an American TV series or movie you can pretty much guess where it's going to go, this took turns and twists that really impressed me with the intelligence of the show. Really the main thing I noticed was being surprised by plot twists. Use various styles of weapons and magic to experience your own fighting style and explore a great.
It really opened my eyes to these hidden treasures - the stories blend fantasy elements with action and interesting characters. HunterX is an action-adventure game full of spirited battles. Well, I noticed some anime seemed focused on adults (not the sex stuff, but violence and intelligent plots and stuff), so I tried own - Sword Art Online. Watch Hunter x Hunter Streaming Online Hulu (Free Trial) 6 seasons available (296 episodes) Gon is a young boy who dreams of following in his father’s footsteps to become a Hunter. FYI, I'm a lawyer in my 40s, not some kid, and basically ran out of anything on TV that I could stand, as it was all so formulaic and tired and low-brain. 100 Officially Licensed Hunter x Hunter Merchandise and Apparel Featuring Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Hisoka, & Chrollo.